Sunday, June 25, 2006

Joey is certainly the right man to be stuck on a desert island with - here's a step-by-step guide to building your own beach BBQ "Pirate Style"!

1. Find a suitable spot between the rocks or corals and get a fire going. Tip: having some charcoal with you helps immensely! Use twigs, leaves, dry grass or scrap paper to get it going. A squirt of kerosene doensn't hurt either...

2. While your fire is hotting up, find yourself a green branch from a coconut tree (this may involve some climbing). Strip off the leaves and cut the green wood into suitably sized sticks - i.e, the right length to fit over your fire and rest on the surrounding corals.

3. When it's hot enough, place your fish, chicken prawns or whatever on top of the "grill". Another tip: it helps to have brought the food with you, unless you are particularly handy with a spear gun. You might have to wait a long time before you can flag down a passing fisherman!

4. It should be sizzling away nicely by now. You can fan the fire with something to keep the temperature up.

5. Check it's cooked properly, and serve. Don't forget the cold beer!


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