Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This morning, instead of the sound of the birds, we were wakened from our slumber by the unbearable noise of a chainsaw at work just a few metres from our cottage.
Now that the trees have been cut down, the songbirds have all but disappeared from our area, as have the noisy family of irridescent blue kingfishers that lived there.
Even my trusty earplugs couldn't shut out the sound of the chainsaw butchering the remains of those lovely trees.

Joey and I both share a deep sense of sadness about the wanton destruction of beautiful things (and places), especially when it is labelled 'progress'. What could be further from the truth?
We managed to salvage a few young saplings from under the 'mother tree' and hopefully one day we will find a place to plant them, but it probably won't be on this island!


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