Sunday, October 22, 2006


Our Lovely Driftwood Garden...


Red Pirates regulars will no doubt be saddened to learn that our unique driftwood garden is no more. In their infinate ignorance the brainless beaurocrats have decided that it will in some way benefit the island if tourists are not allowed to sit down (at least not during the day) and all chairs, tables etc have been removed from the vegetation area.

No longer can you get a fruit shake, a snack or a beer and enjoy it sitting outside under the coconut trees - not until after 5pm. Most tourists do not come to an island such as Boracay only to be forced to sit inside to eat, and many are questioning the logic of this decision.

Worried that our benches and driftwood would be hauled away be overzealous policemen, we had to take action and dismantle out little garden. Better that than risk the officials tearing it apart themselves.

If beautifying the beach is their objective then they would do better to start with the most obvious eyesores - the ugly advertising banners which festoon the island during high season, the stray dogs roaming the beach and the unpleasant neon signs, to say nothing of the noise pollution from some of the bigger nightspots which can often be heard for miles around.

Joey's garden had such character and was a much loved part of the area. A little more of Boracay's magic has been lost.


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