Monday, December 18, 2006

Well, considering the amount of typhoons this country has experienced this year it seems it was only a matter of time before one of them finally made it's mark on Boracay. We've dodged the bullet for too long I guess and our luck ran out! Typhoon 'Seniang' made landfall in Boracay on Saturday the 9th and was a direct hit on the island - and the worst storm for over 50 years. Both our little bar and our boat were wipd out completely.
It was an extremely frightening experience, and I spent most of the night hiding in the bathroom with a candle, hoping the roof would stay on. The cottage was shaking like crazy, water was pouring through the roof, and I had this mad fear that it would take off spinning through the air like Dorothy's house in the "Wizard of Oz"!
While we will be building another boat, we are still waiting to hear from the property owners as to whether we can rebuild the bar. At the moment we are camping in the old building next door, and still managing to serve ice cold beer from the cooler!
The island was without running water for a couple of days, and we only just got electricity back in our area. It's been pretty dire, but we're still alive, as well meaning friends keep reminding us.

One week prior to the typhoon...

After the typhoon

All that's left of our little boat


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you. I am so sad right now looking at those pictures. It's good to hear you're still in good spirits. If you need anything at all, clothes or money, don't hesitate to ask. You were both so kind to us while we were there. I've sent Ryan an email. I'm sure he will be upset as well. my email is

7:46 PM  
Blogger jahcormorant said...

hi i havent visited your blog for quite long only to find out all these misfortunes....hope you are all doing fine there

4:18 AM  

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