Thursday, May 24, 2007

Stressed is not the word! Last week Joey took an impulsive two day trip to Romblon Island, where he seems to have located the real owner of the bar, a lady named Pacita. She is quite happy for us to remain there, and gave Joe a signed note and her permission to the repair the roof - which we began doing. Two days into the work the "caretaker" (or should that be "pisstaker") called the Barangay Captain (who has taken her side wholeheartedly, for dubious reasons best known to himself) who duly sent several of his boys down to stop the construction.
The weather is very unstable at the moment, and I can't sleep for worrying about what will happen should a storm come up! We have a meeting with our attorney in the morning...



Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Chad (above) has informed me that there are some lads stationed in Iraq who have been known to check out this blog. If you are reading guys, get your asses over to Boracay on your next leave - there is a cold beer waiting for you at Red Pirates (and plenty of scantily clad chicks, of course)!

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Good eats, Boracay Style:

Cabbage rolls and mash at Kurt's. What this hearty grub sometimes lacks in presentation, it makes up for in taste. Usually I have a small appetite but when I find myself craving a big plateful of comfoting food I head to this Bavarian restaurant near station 3 to fill up on Jaegerschnitzel, Goulasch, Beef Rolls etc. Good stuff!

Hummous dip with warm pitta bread at Cafe Del Mar (near station 1) - a new favourite haunt of mine now that the noisy 'Bora' crowd have pretty much vacated the area. There are plenty of yummy sounding appetisers on the menu, and relaxing chill out music in the background. Also try the chicken satay sticks.

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Here at last, are some of the photos from David's birthday party last Thursday's at Crafts Rooftop Bar. All the usual suspects attended, and it was a thoroughly excellent evening. Cheers!

View more of David's party pictures at

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Monday, May 14, 2007

Enjoying the good times at Red Pirates. Thanks Nana for sending these!


Saturday, May 12, 2007

D' Mall - I swear it annoys me progressively more every time I go there! Why is it that as soon as the average person enters a mall they start to behave in the manner of a lobotomised monkey - staring vacantly into space, and gazing in any direction except that in which they are walking. If one more idiot shuffles into me because they are texting as they meander aimlessly about, I swear I won't be responsible for my actions! For me, that mall epitomises everything people used to come to Boracay to get away from - crowds, nasty cheap neon-lit fast food "restaurants", noise, and general tackiness. There are now people coming to Boracay specifically to hang out in the mall. There are even hotels being built for those people who are so addicted to mall culture that they actually want to stay IN the mall, as opposed to on the beautiful beach! It drives me nuts! How I wish we could turn back the clock.

While I'm having a good rant, an unfortunate thing happened on the beach today outside our place. Our friends who captain the paraw named Wave Song were arrested for trying to collect their customers from the shoreline. While there is a rule in place stating that all pleasure boats must pick up and drop off at either station 1 or station 3 (station 2 has been taken out of the loop, as usual), it seems riduculous that on the one hand they have turned our area into a marina/mooring area, with boats pumping their bilges out into the sea, and at the same time sailboats (which of course do not pollute) are prohibited from picking up customers in these areas. Which does the most harm? And why is the setback for these moored bancas not being enforced? Seems it's pick on the little guy, as usual.

And last rant of the day - the squatter area next door! They have set up a load of stalls on the empty plot between our bar and Tree House Resort with the intention of holding a peria fiesta - a month long gambling fest supposedly in aid of the church. As far as we know they will start operations on Monday, and continue until June 26. What a nightmare in terms of noise, mess, security, hygiene etc. Most of the nearby neighbours objected, but they were given a permit to set it up anyway. Normally these events are held away from the beach in the plaza, and in my opinion that's where they belong - not in tourist areas where they will cause significant loss of earnings to local hotels and businesses, and nuisance and damage to private homeowners and residents. The joys of living in paradise!

I'm off now, to celebrate Rolly's birthday with a good dinner and a few cold beers...

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Friday, May 04, 2007

This year, Joey's birthday party coincided with the full moon, the leaving party of another friend (Julia, from Diniwid), and the eviction threats being hurled about by the so-called caretaker of our bar. It was a quieter event then most of our recent parties, but a nice crowd showed up, and everybody ate well. There was even a huge pot of goulash and a plate of saurkraut (courtesy of Manfred) along with the usual treats on our buffet table.

Of course I'm worried sick about the possibility of being evicted, despite the fact that we have been advised that any attempt to kick us out would be unlawful. We are seeking legal advice, but I'm still losing a fair amount of sleep over this!

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